PC World 2008 September
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Text File
125 lines
101 IceChat - Keeping PC's cool since 2000
102 There's nothing dirtier then a giant ball of oil
103 Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?
104 Don't push the red button!
105 A day without sunshine is like .... night
106 Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day
107 Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do the day after tomorrow
108 Pull the pin and count to what?
109 Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector
110 It's a dud! It's a dud! It's a du...
111 Download IceChat at www.icechat.net
112 Easy as 3.14159265358979323846...
113 ASCII a stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!
114 Life without danger is a waste of oxygen
115 Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
116 Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
117 Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.
118 Clap on! , Clap off! Clap@#&$NO CARRIER
119 Copywight 2007 Elmer Fudd. All wights wesewved.
120 I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure.
121 Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.
122 Relax, its only ONES and ZEROS!
123 If you can't laugh at yourself, make fun of other people.
124 On the other hand, you have different fingers.
125 Some folks are wise, and some otherwise.
126 IceChat - Its what Cool People use
127 We be chillin - IceChat style
128 Say What?
129 Do fish get thirsty?
130 REALITY.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot universe? (Y/N/Q)
131 I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet!!!
132 The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
133 If your not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space
134 Now if you will excuse me, I have a giant ball of oil to throw out my window
135 Not that there is anything wrong with that
136 OUCH!!!
137 Take my advice. I don't use it anyway
138 If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you
139 He who laughs last, thinks slowest
140 When the chips are down, well, the buffalo is empty
141 A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well
142 Man who run behind car get exhausted
143 For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain.
144 Light travels faster then sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak
145 Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm
146 Always try to be modest, and be proud about it!
147 If you think nobody cares, try missing a few payments
148 Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now
200 * %nick (%host) has joined %channel
201 ->> You re-joined channel %channel
202 ->> You joined channel %channel
203 ->> Attempting to join %channel
204 ->> You were removed from %channel : %reason
205 ->> You were kicked from %channel by %whokicked (%host) Reason (%reason)
206 * %nick was kicked by %whokicked (%host) Reason (%reason)
207 ->> You parted channel %channel
208 ->> You parted channel %channel (%reason)
209 * %nick (%host) has left %channel
210 * %nick (%host) has left %channel (%reason)
211 * %nick sets topic to: %topic
212 ->> %nick is away: %reason
213 ->> Buddy went Offline - %nick
214 ->> Buddy now Online - %nick
215 ->> Buddy now Online - %nick (%comment)
216 ->> Channel created on %time
217 ->> Channel Modes are: %modes %extramodes
218 ->> Topic is: %topic
219 ->> Topic set by %nick on %time
220 ->> Connection closed from %server
221 * %nick is now known as %newnick
222 ->> You are now known as %newnick
223 * %nick (%host) Quit (%reason)
224 * %nick sets mode %mode for %channel
225 ->> Unable to resolve Address %host
226 ->> Connection Established
227 ->> Connection lost
228 ->> You are not connected to a server
229 ->> Re-connecting after wait
230 ->> Stopped re-connect
231 ->> Re-connect tries exceeded %attemptcount attempts
232 ->> Attempting to re-connect to %server
233 ->> Your mode is now %mode
234 ->> Improper use of Command - it should be: %command
235 ->> You are already marked as away, type /away to return
236 ->> You have been marked as away
237 ->> You are not marked as away
238 ->> You are no longer away
239 ->> You are not in a channel/query
240 ->> You are not in a channel
241 ->> Attempting to connect to %server on port %port
242 ->> Attempting to connect to %server (%dnsserver) on port %port
243 ->> Connection time-out (%interval seconds elasped)
244 ->> Starting Channel List
245 ->> Can not send to channel %channel :Reason (%reason)
246 ->> %nick invites you to join %channel
247 ->> You are not connected, can not send file (%file)
248 ->> DCC Chat Ignored from %nick
249 ->> Auto DCC Chat started with %nick
250 ->> DCC Chat - Disconnected
251 ->> DCC Chat - Closed with %nick
252 ->> DCC Chat - Connected with %nick
253 ->> DCC Chat - Connection Accepted from %nick
254 ->> Trying to connect with %nick on port %port
255 ->> Waiting for connection with %nick on port %port
256 ->> DCC Chat Session Timed Out %nick
257 ->> %nick wants a DCC Chat on port %port
258 ->> DCC Chat Request from %nick
259 ->> DCC File Receive Ignored (%file) from %nick
260 ->> DCC - Ignoring File type [%filetype] for file (%file)
261 ->> DCC - Ignoring 0 Byte File (%file)
262 ->> Auto DCC File Receive started with %nick (%file)
263 ->> DCC File Receive Stopped (Auto-Receive) (%file) from %nick - Resume File Same Size as Local File
264 ->> DCC File Receive Rejected (Auto-Receive) (%file) from %nick
265 ->> DCC File Receive Stopped (Auto-Receive) (%file) from %nick - Receive Folder does not exist
266 ->> %nick is wanting to send you a file (%file) - File Size (%filesize bytes)
267 ->> DCC File Receive Canceled (Duplicate File Name) (%file) from %nick
268 ->> Attempting to Resume from File Position %filepos/%filesize (%file)
269 ->> DCC File Receive Complete from %nick (%file)
270 ->> DCC File Receive Rejected - %file - from %nick
271 ->> DCC Send from %nick
272 ->> DCC File Send Complete to %nick (%file)
273 ->> The File '%file' does not exist - Can not send
274 ->> Can not start DCC with self
275 ->> No open DCC Port could be found, try again when some are closed